Coil Sweep Tip by Lee Wiese
The first thing a detectorist needs to master is the swinging or sweep of
the detector’s search coil. This is essential no matter which manufacturer
you choose or model you purchase. Mastering the search coil sweep or swing
will yield far greater results if done correctly.

There are a number of search coil sweep factors that must be mastered and
they are:
search coil height above the ground, keeping the
search coil level or parallel to the ground,
search coil sweep
speed, and
overlapping the search coil sweep pattern.
First the
search coil height above the ground is one of the most
important factors to master since for every one inch you hold the search
coil above the ground you will lose an equal amount of magnetic signal
penetration into the ground. So if you sweep the search coil three inches
above hard packed ground you will lose three inch in ground magnetic signal
penetration. This lost of magnetic signal penetration will result in missing
the deeper targets. Hint: To maximize your target recovery you should always
feel the search coil scrubbing the ground.
Second keep the
search coil level or parallel to the ground at all
times. This meaning that the coil needs to be level or parallel to the
ground at the beginning, middle and end of the search coil sweep. This may
mean a shorter sweep span but it is important to get maximum signal
penetration during the entire search coil sweep. See the figure for the
correct search coil positions.
Third the
search coil sweep speed should be reasonable slow and
consistent in speed during each pass of the search coil. A rule of thumb is
it should generally take 1 ˝ to3 second for a complete sweep in one
direction. To know what sweep speed you should apply, you must read / study
the owner’s manual. Plus you need to practice with your detector so that you
can master the sweep speed required for your detector’s target response
time. Sweep Speeds that are either too slow or too fast will result in
missed targets. Also added to the sweep speed issue are ground conditions
(trash or mineralized soil), which will affect your search coil sweep speed.
overlapping the search coil sweep pattern is extremely
important because a Concentric search coil produces a cone shaped ground
penetration magnetic signal pattern and without a search coil overlap you
will miss many targets. The Double “D” search coil has a wedged shaped
ground penetration magnetic signal pattern and overlapping an inch is
usually enough while sweeping the “DD” search coil.
The lesson to learn for sweeping the search coil is
to scrub the search coil against the ground, keep the search coil level at
all times, maintain the sweep speed down to a level that the detector can
handle and remember to apply an overlap for each search coil sweep.
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